"Attitude is a little thing that makes a BIG difference!"

Frog Philosophy

Using FROG helped us to successfully promote a climate of positive attitude and behaviour, which in turn, enabled everyone to strive to be ‘their best self’. This was achieved in very challenging circumstances - so imagine the success that is possible and achievable when the wind is behind you instead of against you!

The FROG approach supported our need to organise in a way that would encourage experimentation and readily nurture enquiry and collaboration. Achieving strong collegial relationships is often a remarkable accomplishment, and leaders and managers can be critical in ensuring and enabling this way of working as its viability is often dependent on the commitment, support and direction of those at the helm. Professional development is the central link between policy and practice, and leaders must provide their staff with the support to acquire new skills and then contexts in which to use them.

Our staff team were driven by core values that were people-centred and combined our moral purpose with the promotion of collaboration. We gained a high respect for each other as individuals, and shared a concern for all our stakeholders needs. As new people joined our team, they were influenced by these core values and adopted the FROG philosophy and practice that was becoming integral to our everyday working lives.

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Frog Factor Limited is a limited company registered in England & Wales under company number 06247180. Our VAT number is 971 7151 11.